Monday, September 28, 2009

10 Million Reasons To Smile

I completely understand that Tiger marches to the beat of a very different drummer. Yes he is driven and yes winning is the only thing that matters to him - especially winning the majors. But have you ever seen someone who just won $10 Million Dollars look that SAD??

I realize Phil won the tournament and beat him this past weekend. And we all know that Tiger enjoys stomping him more than anyone. Do you really think that Tiger didn't know what Stevie was saying to press this past winter?

Granted he didn't win a major this year and you know that has to be eating away at him inside. To play so well during the week prior to each major and not to win one, must be a tough pill to swallow. So given the fact Tiger was a bit depressed with his $10 Million Dollar winnings here are the top 10 Reasons its good to be Tiger....

#1. He's the best golfer to ever play the game.
#2. He lives in a house almost as big as the new Dallas Cowboy stadium.
#3. He owns a boat that is about the size of Rhode Island.
#4. He's married to a woman that Hugh Heffner is still pissed off that got away.
#5. He makes more money each year than the GDP of some 40+ countries.
#6. He's pays his caddies what most CEO's make.
#7. He runs and funds a foundation that helps tens of thousands of kids.
#8. He has his own PGA Tournament.
#9. He flies around the world on his own jet.
#10. He can beat Colin Montgomery left handed and with his eyes blindfolded.

Tell you what Tiger - if it will make you feel better give me the $10 Million. I'll take $9 of it and start my own foundation. I'll create a foundation that is dedicated to improving the golf games of professional 12 handicappers. I'll focus on things like the proper liquor to have while playing, the correct cigar to get maximum enjoyment while outdoors, the only way to score a four putt and when to say "that's good".

The other million? Let's just say it will be used toward the golf trip of a life time for myself and 7 lucky buddies.


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