Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Let's Make it Complicated

I was taking a webinar today to learn about the "4 Things I need to Know About Internet in 2010". Very informative. The speakers knew what they were talking about. Very accomplished in their fields. I even took 2 pages of notes. And then he said something that made me think. He said, "I like to keep things as simple as I can." Granted he was merely trying to make us understand that what he was explaining was all that difficult to do - but it got me thinking.

Have you ever heard someone say, "let's make this as complicated as we can"! Seriously - in today's dumb downed world do we really have to say - lets keep this simple? You watch the people on the street interviews on the late night shows and it's scary to think just how dumb we've become as a society.

If you ever take a golf lesson and the first thing the Pro says after watching your swing - let's make this more complicated and he gives you 4 or 5 things to think about during your swing - run. And run fast. About the only thing I want to think about during my swing is not hurting myself. You want a simple swing?? Check out Steve Stricker. It's about as simple as they come.

Keep it in the short grass.


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