Monday, October 26, 2009

4Things You Didn't Realize You Missed

There wasn't any one thing that stood out from this past weekend of football, but there were a couple of things that did cause me to at least think. Hold the comments about thinking - I've heard them all.

First - congratulations to Brad Childress - Head Coach of the Minnesota Vikings for actually looking like a real head coach in the NFL. He wore a hat - which is always good for bald men who insist on letting the hair on their sides grow out. He seems to be growing a full beard - I assume as a result of the Vikings winning streak. And he wore a black shirt - which as we all know is very slimming and for a guy is very masculine. He still had that roach looking thing in his ear instead of a traditional head set, but for the first time this season he didn't look like an 8th grade math teacher.

Second - what happened to just crossing the the end zone? Is there a secret manual now that requires all players who score a touchdown on a breakaway that they have to flip into the end zone? I realize they're excited. I understand it's their big moment. Yes I know they're incredible athletes. But how long before one of them tragically ends their career because they don't rotate all the way over and they break their neck? Come on guys - show a little class!

Third - Part time job opening in Knoxville. Wanted - field goal kicker with minimal talent. Local college football program seeks skinny soccer player with ability to kick the ball higher than 4 feet off the ground. Must be able to handle pressure in big moments. The position will report to an under age head coach with a large mouth. Work hours are 5 times a week for approximately 2 hours per day and then 3 hours on Saturday. Sunday's off. If interested please bring football cleats to practice Monday at 5:30.

Fourth - Media Guide Publishers have now joined weather people as the only jobs in America where you can be completely wrong and not lose your job. I'd love to meet the guy who published the Mississippi State's Media guide who actually had the balls to list starting quarterback Tyson Lee as 5"10". Are you kidding me? He was getting a squirt of Gatorade from a water girl Saturday night against Florida and she was looking down at him!! I want a job like that!

Have a great week - tune in on Wednesday for a great post on how sports TV has stooped to an all time low!


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