Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Open Mouth and Insert Foot, Repeat

Why is it people just don't know when to say goodbye and retire?Is it the money? Is the fame? Is it their ego? Are they scared to death to have to look at their wife everyday?

For the record I am a tried and true Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket fan. Grew up pulling for them. Wasn't smart enough to go to school there, but didn't stop me for pulling for them. Yes it was a great weekend with Tech and the Falcons winning and Georgia loosing. But I digress.

Let me see if I understand this. A guy by the name of Jim Smith who is the chairman of the Florida State University Trustees who does not have the authority to fire a football coach, during a news conference made the statement that it's time for Bobby Bowden to step down. On the surface we all agree that Bobby needs to go spend time with his grand kids and wife. But what is this guy thinking?

A college football season is tough enough as it is. Alumni are constantly putting pressure on you to win and win big. The press reports everyday on what the coach had for breakfast and whether or not he's wearing boxers or briefs. Every move is reported on TV, YouTube, blogs, newspaper (yes there are still a few of those) and the radio.

Jim you must be a smart guy to get to where you currently sit. But I am at a complete loss as to what motivated you to open your mouth during the football season about Bobby stepping down. Are you not getting laid enough? Did your Mommy not breast feed you growing up? Did your favorite get kicked off Dancing With The Stars too early?

I cannot believe that you had the University of Florida's best interest at heart when you opened you big trap and said that. Bobby Bowden pulled FSU out of the dumps, won a National championship, made them a Top 5 program and put them on the map. He deserves the chance to step down with dignity on his terms. You want him to retire this year then have a closed door meeting with the man and say it to his face. Don't say it in a press conference. Did you really think this wasn't going to create a media circus?

If you run the rest of the University school system this way, I'd love a chance to do your performance review. Congrats on winning the "Dumbass of the Month" Award for September.

Go Tech. It's time to step up and beat Virginia Tech this weekend!

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