Thursday, October 15, 2009

Limbaugh vs. Madonna

I promised myself I wasn't going to do this. When everyone is weighing in on a very controversial issue I need to shut up and stay out of it. But I can't help myself. Why should every one else have fun and get to state their opinion. That's why I stated this blog in the first place.

The entire "media" seems to think that Rush Limbaugh doesn't deserve a chance to own the St. Louis Rams and apparently the NFL agrees. He was booted from the group who was going through the bid process today. Side note: if this process is suppose to be secret - how did the media find out in the first place? I'm not jumping in to make a case for him or against him. There's been plenty of people already doing that. I have a different angle.

The NFL is one of - if not the most elite boys club in the world. Other than the Green Bay Packers which is a publicly held company and the Chicago Bears who are owned by Virginia Halas McCaskey the oldest child to George Halas, the NFL is the ultimate rich white boys club. Thirty of the wealthest men in the United States. And 75% of them have to approve a new owner. I have no problem with them being able to pick and choose who they want to join their club.

The media outcry has been over what Rush has said on his radio show, in speeches and on his short lived stint with ESPN. The last time I checked we were all granted freedom of speech in this country by the Bill of Rights. But according to the media - that's not true. Because of what Rush has said, he's been designated unfit to be an NFL owner by the media, the NFL Players Association, several NFL players and almost everyone else who has a platform to issue an opinion.

My question is this. If the media was outraged over Limbaugh's bid to buy a NFL team because of his opinion would they react the same way if Jessie Jackson decided to buy a team? He's been as controversial as anyone.

How about Jane Fonda? She has certainly ruffled some feathers in her day. Would the media be outraged over her desire to own a team?

Barbara Streisand? She has weighed in with some very derogatory remarks in her career.

Madonna? Talk about a lightening rod for sticking your foot in your mouth.

My guess is the table would be tilted 180 degrees the other way. If any of these people were turned down by the rich boys club the outrage would be ten fold against the NFL. How dare those racist, sexist pigs turn down any of those deserving people.

I have no problem with the NFL picking who they want to join their club. It's too bad the media has taken on the job of telling us what we need to think.


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