Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Clowns in the NFL

Did you see the Vikings-Packers game last night? Yes Favre had a great game. Yes he drove a stake in the heart of every Packers fan. Yes we all know that he wanted to kick the Packers in the nuts for telling him they moved on.

But what the hell is going on with Brad Childress? Forget for a second that he looks like he should be teaching 8th grade Algebra.

I am a bald man. I know what its like to have a dome. I, better than anyone, realize I'm not the second coming of Brad Pitt. I've accepted it. I embrace it. I even have my own marketing tag line, "Chicks dig the Dome". But what was he thinking last night??

When you think of great football coaches you think of Lombardi and Landry - complete with their Fedora's, white shirts and ties. Mike Ditka with his Bears sweaters and the vein on his neck popping out. Even Belichick with his stupid looking cut off sweatshirt has 4 Super Bowl rings. So can someone tell me what he was wearing in his ear??

Coaches wear head sets on the sidelines. They either wear sets that cover one ear or two. They are the full cups so the ear is completely covered so they can hear what play their offensive coordinator just called or they can talk to the idiots from the Coors Light commercials in the luxury booth that all happen to have head sets. But that thing Childress had in is ear made him look like he was auditioning for a trolley car tour guide position in Boston.

I mean it's bad enough to look like he does and have to prove to people every day that he really is a head football coach in the NFL. I'd have the same problem as well. But to wear an ear piece that made him look like a math teacher working a part time job at a circus was not a good call.

Brad - when you read this - and I know you will - first wear a hat. Second find a tanning salon and buy a 10 day package. Third cut your hair to a "3" on the clippers (it makes you look less like a clown). Fourth wear a mock turtleneck with a Vikings v-neck pullover (a small set of shoulder pads underneath won't hurt). And finally wear a real coaches head set and get rid of that trolley car ear piece.

Please don't embarrass all the geeks in the world. Please??


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