Sunday, November 1, 2009

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

FOX verus the DVR.... An Epic Battle

I think the DVR is the greatest invention in the history of man.  And I think some of you might agree with me.  Outside of a live sporting event that I want to follow in real time, I'm not sure when the last time I actually watched a commercial.  I HATE commercials.  I would love to capture a micro fraction of the amount of money spent on stupid commercials.  That's a theme for another day, but I saw something Sunday that really got my blood flowing.

FOX does a pretty good job with their programing.  Their sports and prime time network line up is pretty solid.  From Joe Buck to House all in all, I like what I see.  I tuned in Sunday to watch their NFL pregame show - which I prefer over CBS and ESPN.  And to my horror what do I see???

Michael Strahan, a former all pro defensive line man for the New York football Giants and member of the pregame show, had a sweepstakes winner on a live segment going through the features and benefits of a Ford Focus - the prize that she had won.  A 'live" commercial in the middle of a program that I was waiting to see the Falcons/Cowboys preview!  So what did I do - I switched to ESPN of course.  I felt like I had been duped.  I hate commercials!!

After thinking about this for a few days, I have to hand it to FOX.  That was clever.  They know that the DVR is the greatest invention in the history of man and they realize that invention is eating away at advertising profits.  I give them kudos for trying.  But they failed.  So in the interest of being a good sport and trying to help them, I've decide to tell them how to make this little trick work.

To the Executives of FOX Sports....  If you choose to try another "live" commercial, then I suggest the following changes to keep your target audience (me) from changing channels.

#1.  Make sure the winner does not look like a middle school librarian.  If you insist on awarding the prize to a Mom, then at least make her a MILF.

#2.  I would suggest that you have her wear a short plaid skirt, form fitting white shirt with a button or two unbuttoned.  Knee high black boots would compliment that nicely.

#3.  I would have the prize be Cadillac XRL, a Jaguar XF or a BMW 650i.  NOT a Ford Focus.

#4.  Let Frank Caliendo do the segment.  He could do his John Madden impersonation because Madden would not know a hot chick from a hot read. 

With just a little more creativity, FOX may be on to something.  But unless you want to hear tens of thousands of "clicks" changing the channel FOX take my advice.  Strahan may be good enough to get his own TV show and he certainly knows how to break down an opponents offensive line, but he is not someone I need to hear talking about a Ford Focus.  I'm quite sure he doesn't drive one.

What's next?  Terry Bradshaw doing a piece on depends?


Monday, October 26, 2009

4Things You Didn't Realize You Missed

There wasn't any one thing that stood out from this past weekend of football, but there were a couple of things that did cause me to at least think. Hold the comments about thinking - I've heard them all.

First - congratulations to Brad Childress - Head Coach of the Minnesota Vikings for actually looking like a real head coach in the NFL. He wore a hat - which is always good for bald men who insist on letting the hair on their sides grow out. He seems to be growing a full beard - I assume as a result of the Vikings winning streak. And he wore a black shirt - which as we all know is very slimming and for a guy is very masculine. He still had that roach looking thing in his ear instead of a traditional head set, but for the first time this season he didn't look like an 8th grade math teacher.

Second - what happened to just crossing the the end zone? Is there a secret manual now that requires all players who score a touchdown on a breakaway that they have to flip into the end zone? I realize they're excited. I understand it's their big moment. Yes I know they're incredible athletes. But how long before one of them tragically ends their career because they don't rotate all the way over and they break their neck? Come on guys - show a little class!

Third - Part time job opening in Knoxville. Wanted - field goal kicker with minimal talent. Local college football program seeks skinny soccer player with ability to kick the ball higher than 4 feet off the ground. Must be able to handle pressure in big moments. The position will report to an under age head coach with a large mouth. Work hours are 5 times a week for approximately 2 hours per day and then 3 hours on Saturday. Sunday's off. If interested please bring football cleats to practice Monday at 5:30.

Fourth - Media Guide Publishers have now joined weather people as the only jobs in America where you can be completely wrong and not lose your job. I'd love to meet the guy who published the Mississippi State's Media guide who actually had the balls to list starting quarterback Tyson Lee as 5"10". Are you kidding me? He was getting a squirt of Gatorade from a water girl Saturday night against Florida and she was looking down at him!! I want a job like that!

Have a great week - tune in on Wednesday for a great post on how sports TV has stooped to an all time low!


Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Fans Are Out of Control

What is going on with football fans? Yes I know that fan is short for fanatic but things are getting out of control. Was there a full moon this past weekend? I saw things that continue to make me wonder what's in the water around here (and I'm not talking about Bourbon - I KNOW that's in there).

Let's start with GA Tech. First - I am a HUGE Tech fan. Love them, pull for them, wish I had gone to school there - but as reported in an earlier blog - I wasn't smart enough. I was in Indianapolis on business this week and I made my travel companions go with me to a sports bar to watch the game after a business event. There's a 100 TV's in this place and I have to tip a guy to change one of them to this game. I'm the only person in the place watching this game. I totally ignore the conversation at the table while I'm watching the game - complete with random bursts of excitement because something good happened. And we win the game and you could make the argument it was the biggest win in school history for the past 20 years. So I get it.

After the game the students tear down the goal posts. And some of them got hurt. Yes I realize this is a tradition. I know it's been going on for years. But these are engineering students. They are suppose to be smart. They should be smart enough to act like they know how to win. We make fun of our brethren from Athens on how they can't win with class and certainly loose like 3-year old so shouldn't we show a little class when we win? This won't be the last big game that we win under Paul Johnson.

Please tell me what's going on in Minnesota. Yes they have a great team. Yes they should be excited. Yes they are a favorite to go to the Super Bowl. But did you see how some of them were dressed on Sunday? They looked like they just got off a Viking ship - yesterday. They spent more money on a costume to go to a football game than I did for my entire wardrobe. I know that doesn't say much about my wardrobe but you know what I'm talking about. Fox does not help the case by showing the guy going into every commercial break. And their head coach still looks like an 8th grade math teacher.

I love football. I get it and much as anyone does. I'm passionate about the game and completely understand the external combustion when my team scores. But come on people - it's a game.

Here's to winning!


Not So Fast My Friend!!

I might be in the minority here, but I like Sports TV personalities. I think they make watching a game so much more enjoyable. I'm not talking about former jocks who get hired the minute they retire, but guys who who made their mark in the broadcast booth.

In my lifetime the first one that I remember was Howard Cosell. Incredibly intelligent, very controversial and had a unique ability to both divide and unify and audience during the same broadcast.

Then John Madden designed the blue print for becoming THE face of the NFL. He became so popular that he has one of the top selling video games of all time.

More recently Chris Berman has become the face of ESPN. I'm not sure there's been anyone in the field of sports broadcasting that has done more for their company then what Berman has done for ESPN.

Lee Corso of College Game Day used to fall into this category. Yes he had a long football coaching caeer but he "made it" on College Gameday. His trademark slogan - "not so fast my friend" became a catch phrase a lot of us used in everyday life. His use of the school Mascot head to show whom he picked in a game became the highlight of the show. Nothing drew the ire of the crowd more than for him to pick the home teams opponent.

This past year Corso had a stroke. he has worked extremely hard to get back in front of the cameras. His humor and wit have not died and he hasn't forgotten how to analyze a football game. But he's not the same guy. His delivery is slowed down, he doesn't show the emotion and fire that caused me to become a big fan. Watching him last Saturday at times hurt. He seemed to forget what he was going to say while the cameras were squarely on him.

Lee Corso should be an inspiration to all stroke victims. His passion for the game was his motivation to do the hard work necessary to get back to work. He could have just sailed into retirement - he is 73 years old. But he worked his butt off to get back.

Coach - thank you for not giving up. I know you're not back to your old self but a little bit of Lee Corso is better than no Lee Corso.


Monday, October 19, 2009

Top Ten Sports Hoax's of All Time

Ok I admit it - I am fascinated with this whole balloon boy episode. You have to stoop pretty low to get your entire family - including 3 kids under the age of 10 - involved in a prank that can land you in jail. I did a quick Google search and typed in "Balloon Boy" and got 14,800,000 web sites and that included 11,247 related articles at NPR. Ok - so this is 11,248.

But I'm not writing about this whacked out father and how he planned to get his own reality show from this prank. I started thinking about the greatest sport's hoax's of all time and decided to put together my top 10 sports hoaxes in history. Without further ado, here are my top ten sport hoaxes of all time....

#10 - Rankin Smith pretending to be a NFL owner. Can you say Marion Campbell - twice? I'm not sure what type of people he surrounded himself with to make football decisions - but they weren't football people.

#9 - David Duval pretending to be a professional golfer. We all get into a funk, but how does someone that talented fall that far so fast?

#8 - Jon Koncak pretending to be a professional basketball player. Does this need any more explanation?

#7 - Jerry Glanville as a NFL coach. How can someone who traded away Brett Favre ever be considered an NFL coach?

#6 - The 1976 Tampa Bay Buccaneers as an NFL football team. Yes it was an expansion team but they were paid to play a game.

#5 - The 2008 Detroit Lions. Nuff said.

#4 - Bill Buckner pretending to be a Major League First baseman in the 1986 World Series. Sorry Bill but that one still stings to this day.

#3 - Ryan Leaf pretending to by an NFL quarterback. How Bobby Beathard got duped into that pick will be one of the greatest mysteries of all time.

#2 - Mike Tyson thinking he was a professional boxer. I realize Holyfield and Tyson made up on Oprah this week, but how low do you have to stoop to bite someone's ear off? Unless of course you're in a grade B horror movie.

And the number one sports hoax of all time is.......

#1 - Michael Vick pretending to be a human being. A former #1 draft pick in the NFL and at the time the highest paid player in the league. Spent several seasons for the Falcons shooting the bird at fans, not coming to off season conditioning, bypassing film study and then openly lying to the commissioner about his role in a dog fighting ring. And now after serving jail time is perplexed by the fact that no one is willing to hand him a starting job in the NFL. Get a grip Michael.

Let me know which ones I left off - maybe we can start a Top 100 Sports Hoaxes of all time.


Thursday, October 15, 2009

Limbaugh vs. Madonna

I promised myself I wasn't going to do this. When everyone is weighing in on a very controversial issue I need to shut up and stay out of it. But I can't help myself. Why should every one else have fun and get to state their opinion. That's why I stated this blog in the first place.

The entire "media" seems to think that Rush Limbaugh doesn't deserve a chance to own the St. Louis Rams and apparently the NFL agrees. He was booted from the group who was going through the bid process today. Side note: if this process is suppose to be secret - how did the media find out in the first place? I'm not jumping in to make a case for him or against him. There's been plenty of people already doing that. I have a different angle.

The NFL is one of - if not the most elite boys club in the world. Other than the Green Bay Packers which is a publicly held company and the Chicago Bears who are owned by Virginia Halas McCaskey the oldest child to George Halas, the NFL is the ultimate rich white boys club. Thirty of the wealthest men in the United States. And 75% of them have to approve a new owner. I have no problem with them being able to pick and choose who they want to join their club.

The media outcry has been over what Rush has said on his radio show, in speeches and on his short lived stint with ESPN. The last time I checked we were all granted freedom of speech in this country by the Bill of Rights. But according to the media - that's not true. Because of what Rush has said, he's been designated unfit to be an NFL owner by the media, the NFL Players Association, several NFL players and almost everyone else who has a platform to issue an opinion.

My question is this. If the media was outraged over Limbaugh's bid to buy a NFL team because of his opinion would they react the same way if Jessie Jackson decided to buy a team? He's been as controversial as anyone.

How about Jane Fonda? She has certainly ruffled some feathers in her day. Would the media be outraged over her desire to own a team?

Barbara Streisand? She has weighed in with some very derogatory remarks in her career.

Madonna? Talk about a lightening rod for sticking your foot in your mouth.

My guess is the table would be tilted 180 degrees the other way. If any of these people were turned down by the rich boys club the outrage would be ten fold against the NFL. How dare those racist, sexist pigs turn down any of those deserving people.

I have no problem with the NFL picking who they want to join their club. It's too bad the media has taken on the job of telling us what we need to think.


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Open Mouth and Insert Foot, Repeat

Why is it people just don't know when to say goodbye and retire?Is it the money? Is the fame? Is it their ego? Are they scared to death to have to look at their wife everyday?

For the record I am a tried and true Georgia Tech Yellow Jacket fan. Grew up pulling for them. Wasn't smart enough to go to school there, but didn't stop me for pulling for them. Yes it was a great weekend with Tech and the Falcons winning and Georgia loosing. But I digress.

Let me see if I understand this. A guy by the name of Jim Smith who is the chairman of the Florida State University Trustees who does not have the authority to fire a football coach, during a news conference made the statement that it's time for Bobby Bowden to step down. On the surface we all agree that Bobby needs to go spend time with his grand kids and wife. But what is this guy thinking?

A college football season is tough enough as it is. Alumni are constantly putting pressure on you to win and win big. The press reports everyday on what the coach had for breakfast and whether or not he's wearing boxers or briefs. Every move is reported on TV, YouTube, blogs, newspaper (yes there are still a few of those) and the radio.

Jim you must be a smart guy to get to where you currently sit. But I am at a complete loss as to what motivated you to open your mouth during the football season about Bobby stepping down. Are you not getting laid enough? Did your Mommy not breast feed you growing up? Did your favorite get kicked off Dancing With The Stars too early?

I cannot believe that you had the University of Florida's best interest at heart when you opened you big trap and said that. Bobby Bowden pulled FSU out of the dumps, won a National championship, made them a Top 5 program and put them on the map. He deserves the chance to step down with dignity on his terms. You want him to retire this year then have a closed door meeting with the man and say it to his face. Don't say it in a press conference. Did you really think this wasn't going to create a media circus?

If you run the rest of the University school system this way, I'd love a chance to do your performance review. Congrats on winning the "Dumbass of the Month" Award for September.

Go Tech. It's time to step up and beat Virginia Tech this weekend!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Like Father, Like Son

It really sucks getting old. I mean you know what your age is but it's when your body starts telling you every day. And then for a couple of days you step into the past and try to reverse the aging process and you get a cold bucket of reality about how how far gone you are.

We had the Member Guest at the club where I'm a member and for 3 days this past weekend I played more golf than I have all summer. And then on the 4th day I rested. Sore and stiff and realizing that three days of golf are not what they used to be.

But fear not - I am not going to bore you with the details of the event. A Member Guest is like all the other Member Guests you've played. But because this is my blog and I get to pick what I write about I am going to take a break from current events and write about something I noticed this weekend.

I was pleasantly surprised at the number of guys in the field this past weekend that invited their Fathers to play with them. I would guess the average age of the members to be about 50ish - give or take 5 years. And of course that would make the average age of their Father's be 73ish. Not only did they make it through the tournament, they flourished. Some of them make the shootout (our version of a playoff to determine a winner).

Over the past several years I've had many buddies that played in this tournament that would always complain afterward about how poorly their Dad's had played. Their opportunity to win had been comprised by their choice of playing partner. I know they were just venting - we all play to win or why enter the tournament, but that Father - Son bond is about as special as they come.

I never had the chance to play in a Member Guest with my Father. He passed away from cancer when I was 17. I was not one of those problem kids growing up. I loved my Dad and considered him my best friend. The highlight of the day was when he came home from work - even at 17. I learned to love the game of golf from him and I would trade anything I have to be able to play in one Member Guest with him. It's a dream, goal, fantasy of mine that will never come true.

I've shared this story with many of the guys in the tournament. I'd like to think that I have had an impact on how they feel about playing with their Dad's. I know some who played with their Father's up until the time they passed away. They were the lucky ones. To be able to share the love of a game with their Dad until it was time for them to move on.

I've missed my Father more during the last 10 years of my life than every before. The longer he's gone, the more I experience, the more I wish he was here to share it with me. Who knows - maybe we would have won a member Guest.

Here's to all the Dad's who put up with their pig headed sons and still play in their Member Guests. May you never have a 4 putt.


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Clowns in the NFL

Did you see the Vikings-Packers game last night? Yes Favre had a great game. Yes he drove a stake in the heart of every Packers fan. Yes we all know that he wanted to kick the Packers in the nuts for telling him they moved on.

But what the hell is going on with Brad Childress? Forget for a second that he looks like he should be teaching 8th grade Algebra.

I am a bald man. I know what its like to have a dome. I, better than anyone, realize I'm not the second coming of Brad Pitt. I've accepted it. I embrace it. I even have my own marketing tag line, "Chicks dig the Dome". But what was he thinking last night??

When you think of great football coaches you think of Lombardi and Landry - complete with their Fedora's, white shirts and ties. Mike Ditka with his Bears sweaters and the vein on his neck popping out. Even Belichick with his stupid looking cut off sweatshirt has 4 Super Bowl rings. So can someone tell me what he was wearing in his ear??

Coaches wear head sets on the sidelines. They either wear sets that cover one ear or two. They are the full cups so the ear is completely covered so they can hear what play their offensive coordinator just called or they can talk to the idiots from the Coors Light commercials in the luxury booth that all happen to have head sets. But that thing Childress had in is ear made him look like he was auditioning for a trolley car tour guide position in Boston.

I mean it's bad enough to look like he does and have to prove to people every day that he really is a head football coach in the NFL. I'd have the same problem as well. But to wear an ear piece that made him look like a math teacher working a part time job at a circus was not a good call.

Brad - when you read this - and I know you will - first wear a hat. Second find a tanning salon and buy a 10 day package. Third cut your hair to a "3" on the clippers (it makes you look less like a clown). Fourth wear a mock turtleneck with a Vikings v-neck pullover (a small set of shoulder pads underneath won't hurt). And finally wear a real coaches head set and get rid of that trolley car ear piece.

Please don't embarrass all the geeks in the world. Please??


Monday, October 5, 2009

I Want A Divorce - From the Braves

Let me see if I understand this. After playing their best baseball of the year by winning 15 out of 17 games, they come home to finish against the Marlins and Nationals and wind up loosing 6 in a row. And not only did they not come close to winning the Wild Card they managed to finish 3rd in the Division. Way too go Atlanta.

How does that make you feel? For me it left a feeling of emptiness, completely devoid of passion and emotion. Allowing myself to feel the excitement of something special only to have the wind knocked out of me at the end of the day. A bit of anger by getting sucked into the potential of witnessing greatness only to be left drained by a complete and total collapse.

It kind of reminds me of both of my divorces!! Yes - you read that correctly - both of them.

Maybe it's just me but I've really had all I can take of Chipper striking out with runners in scoring postion and less than 2 outs and walking back to the dugout like it's no big deal. I don't know know about anyone else but I'm ready to see baseball players with a little emotion. Chipper looks like he could care less when he fails in a big at bat. And speaking of emotion - has anyone checked to see if Garrett Anderson actually has a pulse? They called him a "professional ball player". What the hell is that? He should go to Hollywood after his career. He'll stay busy playing dead in all the movies.

I soooo want to pull for the Braves. We've had some great talent come through here. Bobby should have more than one ring to show for it. We've always had great pitching but why can every other club find a right fielder and a first basement that can hit 30 home runs and drive in 120 RBI's but us?

I know the farm is stocked with talent. We've got great prospects that are going to call Atlanta home for a long time. Let's just hope they're being taught to play with a little emotion instead of allowing failure to become acceptable.

Thank God it's football season!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Marler Causes Braves to Miss Playoffs

Everyone knows that baseball players are superstitious. Some of the rituals they go through are pretty silly. Sleeping with a certain bat during a hitting streak, not cutting their hair, not showering, stepping over the foul line going on and off the field, drawing pictures in the dirt before an at-bat and the ever annoying re-tightening of the batting gloves after every pitch.

I always thought it was kind of dumb personally, but I've turned a new page.

I grew up a Braves fan. I've been through a lot. I've watched sooooo many games that they have lost and too many 100 loss seasons to count. I came to baseball about the time Dale Murphy was breaking in the major leagues. I liked Ted Turner, hated Ted Turner and ignored Ted Turner. But through and through I was a Braves fan.

Then came 1991 and I became a Brave fanatic. Watched every game all 9 innings, read the box scored every day, followed all the major stats of the starting line up and read everything I could get my hands on Braves. And of course I - like many other Atlantans - got spoiled. Fourteen straight years of making the playoffs and I grew to expect it.

Fast forward to now. This year I liked our team, liked the starting pitching thought we had a good chance to win the division. But it seemed like every time I had a chance to watch them - they lost. They hoovered around .500 all season and roll into a 3 game home stand late this season against Cincinnati at home and got swept. I thought the season was over. Here we go again. Loose to teams we should beat. That's been the scouting report on the Braves for years.

I wouldn't read the paper, avoided reading about them on line, didn't want to talk about them. Yesterday while listening to ESPN Radio, they were talking about how the Braves had won 15 out of 17 and were only 2 games out of the wild card race. Damn!! How did that happen??

Of course I tuned in last night. Or course they lost again. And the Rockies won. I'm sorry Atlanta - my bad. I will not be watching until you make it to the playoffs. And when you do make the playoffs I'll only be watching until you are facing elimination.

Go Braves!

Monday, September 28, 2009

10 Million Reasons To Smile

I completely understand that Tiger marches to the beat of a very different drummer. Yes he is driven and yes winning is the only thing that matters to him - especially winning the majors. But have you ever seen someone who just won $10 Million Dollars look that SAD??

I realize Phil won the tournament and beat him this past weekend. And we all know that Tiger enjoys stomping him more than anyone. Do you really think that Tiger didn't know what Stevie was saying to press this past winter?

Granted he didn't win a major this year and you know that has to be eating away at him inside. To play so well during the week prior to each major and not to win one, must be a tough pill to swallow. So given the fact Tiger was a bit depressed with his $10 Million Dollar winnings here are the top 10 Reasons its good to be Tiger....

#1. He's the best golfer to ever play the game.
#2. He lives in a house almost as big as the new Dallas Cowboy stadium.
#3. He owns a boat that is about the size of Rhode Island.
#4. He's married to a woman that Hugh Heffner is still pissed off that got away.
#5. He makes more money each year than the GDP of some 40+ countries.
#6. He's pays his caddies what most CEO's make.
#7. He runs and funds a foundation that helps tens of thousands of kids.
#8. He has his own PGA Tournament.
#9. He flies around the world on his own jet.
#10. He can beat Colin Montgomery left handed and with his eyes blindfolded.

Tell you what Tiger - if it will make you feel better give me the $10 Million. I'll take $9 of it and start my own foundation. I'll create a foundation that is dedicated to improving the golf games of professional 12 handicappers. I'll focus on things like the proper liquor to have while playing, the correct cigar to get maximum enjoyment while outdoors, the only way to score a four putt and when to say "that's good".

The other million? Let's just say it will be used toward the golf trip of a life time for myself and 7 lucky buddies.


Friday, September 25, 2009

$10 Million FedEx Package

So FedEx understands? They spend millions on advertising telling us they understand our love of golf. We have to watch silly men dress up in matador suits to kiss the ass of a co-worker in order to work their way up the co-worker's FedEx ladder. They even try to make us believe that some of us golf fanatics actually drive a golf cart in the office building.

All this for what? So they can give Tiger Woods another $10 Million dollars? Is the $80 million he's going to make off the golf course this year not enough? Is the $9.3 million he's already made on the tour this year a little light? I think Tiger would trade all that money for a major or two.

It's not that I don't like Tiger - I do. I think he is the greatest golfer that I will ever see in my life time and I do pull for him when he's in the field. The problem is with FedEx and here's why....

When was the last time that you saw a FedEx golf commercial and said to yourself - "damn I need to go ship that package and I think I'll use FedEx."

As a business do you ever get pissed off when you have to pay $25 for an overnight envelope and realize that $2.19 of that goes to Tiger? (yes I made that number up but you get the point).

I just don't understand why a company like FedEx spends the kind of money they do on a sponsorship that rewards wealthy white guys when there's really only 2 choices in their industry - them and a guy who wears brown shorts. There's plenty of ways that they can spend that same money, get the same or better exposure and actually do something that makes this country a better place. Or here's a novel idea - LOWER YOUR PRICES!!

I'm not anti-business or anti-free market economies. But I 100% anti-stupid business. From my perspective FedEx doesn't understand.

Have a great weekend. I'm off to Washington DC to witness some more stupidity up close and personal.


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Who Made Matt Millen an Expert?

Ok - maybe this is just me. We all have hang ups that we don't understand sometimes. But this really irked me Monday night.

I realize Matt Millen had a very successful NFL career. With three Super Bowl rings the guy obviously knows how to play football. I certainly wouldn't want to be a running back trying to beat him to the sideline. He played hard and played to win and did it for several different coaches so he proved he could play.

I also realize that he had a pretty good broadcasting career. After all he was on the #2 Team at Fox for a couple of years. He's not a John Madden, but he was pretty good.

I think I can make a case that he may go down in history as the worst GM in professional sports. How can someone who knows football that well turn out to be so incredibly bad at running the Detroit Lions. I honestly think I could have done a better job. When you played on that many winning teams, played side by side with some of the great players of his era - how the hell do you suck that bad at drafting players and hiring coaches?

With all those high draft picks and he takes Joey Harrington, Charles Rogers and Mike Williams. Are you kidding me?? What was he doing - throwing darts at a board with players pictures on them? And to add insult to injury he got a 5 year contract extension from William Clay Ford, Sr before the start of the 2005 season. Does that answer all your questions about why Ford is such a mess? Maybe Millen was in charge of product development for them at the same time.

I respect the guy for his career. And I'll give him a high five for the broadcast career before the Lions. But I can't see how he can put his face on TV and trys to talk like he knows football. When you fall that far and openly admit that you suck at what you did - I'm just not going to listen to you. Sorry ESPN - I really like many of your TV personalities. Matt Millen is not one of them. You just lost one viewer.


Monday, September 21, 2009

I LOVE Football

I love football. I mean I really love the sport. I never played it - wanted to but never had the skill to do so. I remember watching it as a child growing up with my Dad. He loved it and I loved spending time with him so I grew up loving football.

I enjoy watching golf, but I don't remember the last time I watched an entire baseball game. I'll watch the last 5 minutes of the 4th quarter of Game 7 in the NBA finals, but that's about it. I do enjoy college basketball and will watch some of March Madness.

But somewhere along the way I really starting loving football. I schedule my day around who's playing. I read everything I can in the off season to follow recruiting. I love reading about the match ups and following the lines set by Vegas. I can even watch Southwest Montana State play Northeast Idaho Community College on a slow night - and watch it to the very end!!

I was playing golf with a good friend last week - the Mayor (LA for short) and he made this statement - "There were some really good football games last week that ended at the end". Now of course all games end at the end, but the scary part was - I knew what he was talking about. He meant that the outcome of the game wasn't decided until the end.

Golf can be exciting. Who doesn't love Tiger making a 14 footer on the 72nd hole to beat some poor slob who thought he had his first tournament won. But how much more exciting would it be if you could add full contact to golf? Think about it - wouldn't you love to see Tiger throw a chop block on Vijah Singh after he missed a 4 foot birdie putt? Or seeing Phil tackle Woody Austin when he three putts from 6 feet? Don't you think it be more fun to just get rid of the anger the games causes us?

I really love football.

Go Tech!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Let's Make it Complicated

I was taking a webinar today to learn about the "4 Things I need to Know About Internet in 2010". Very informative. The speakers knew what they were talking about. Very accomplished in their fields. I even took 2 pages of notes. And then he said something that made me think. He said, "I like to keep things as simple as I can." Granted he was merely trying to make us understand that what he was explaining was all that difficult to do - but it got me thinking.

Have you ever heard someone say, "let's make this as complicated as we can"! Seriously - in today's dumb downed world do we really have to say - lets keep this simple? You watch the people on the street interviews on the late night shows and it's scary to think just how dumb we've become as a society.

If you ever take a golf lesson and the first thing the Pro says after watching your swing - let's make this more complicated and he gives you 4 or 5 things to think about during your swing - run. And run fast. About the only thing I want to think about during my swing is not hurting myself. You want a simple swing?? Check out Steve Stricker. It's about as simple as they come.

Keep it in the short grass.


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

That First Bucket of Balls

It's like saying you're going to go to the driving range. You mean to. You want to. You have a genuine desire to do so. But something always seems to stop you. Your satisfied with your 12 handicap and win enough to make you think twice about really trying to get it under a 10. Sometimes it's the weather. Your back hurts. The Braves game is on early. Somehow you just never make it.

And then it happens. An unexplained aligning of the earth, moon and John Daly's pants happens and you find your self on your 2nd bucket of balls. And the sweat is pouring off your head and you realize you really can fix that slice - with practice.

That's what happened with this blog. I've talked about it for years. I write for the Men's Golf Association at the club where I'm a member. I love it. I'm good at it. But I wanted to try my hand at something outside the club. I was roaming the internet tonight. Found a way to get it started with no money in 3 easy steps and here ya go. My first of many posts.

The Daily Bogey is not a golf blog. It's a humorous look at life through the eyes of a professional 12 handicapper - with a whole lot of golf involved. It won't be where you come for news. It's not going to have the latest headlines in golf. But it is where you can get a good laugh several times a week. I can't promise you what it will eventually be, but I can promise you it won't be boring.

Keep it in the short grass.
